This is a description of our SOAP-WS-API for merchants, our test WSDL is available at:


2. Function requests used for POS client integration

Below you will find methods used in Stores for EVD integration. This is part of EVD API. Methods not listed below shall not be implemented.

3. Mandatory Methods

These methods have to be implemented in order to pass our certification get production access.


Returns list of available product.

getProductList request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
    <soapenv:Header />
getProductList response
Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
ersReference String 2014071814275177901000128 Trackable number of the voucher in ERS system of the request. To be used with buyReservedVoucher and cancelVoucherReservation requests
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page
name String GT Mobile Name of a splier
currency String SEK Currency code
value decimal 70 Product price
ean String 7330596005932 Product ean
sku String 3453433 Product sku
name String Some name Product name
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:getProductListResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
               <name>Test Supplier</name>
                  <name>Test Product Name</name>

Returns list of available product with their VAT %.

getProductListWithVAT request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless
     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
          <soapenv:Header />
getProductListWithVAT response
Field Type Sample Value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
ersReference String 2014071814275177901000128 Trackable number of the voucher in ERS system of the request. To be used with buyReservedVoucher and cancelVoucherReservation requests
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page
name String GT Mobile Name of a splier or Vendor
currency String SEK Currency code
value decimal 70 Product price
ean String 7330596005932 Product ean
sku String 3453433 Product sku
name String Some name Product name
key String VAT Custom Parameter to print VAT
Value String Some % value Product VAT %
   <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> 
           <ns2:getProductListWithVATResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
                     <name>Test Supplier 1</name>
                     <name>Test Supplier 2</name>

Used for purchasing a voucher in a two-phase commit manner. ERS will only keep the reservation for a limited time (configurable on the ERS, typically a few minutes) after which a buyReservedVoucher might fail.

reserveVoucher request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless
clientComment no String Some comment Can be used to add additional information from the client system
clientReference no String 823429834723948 Reference of the transaction in clients system
clientTag no String POS007 Tracking tag from the clients system (i.e: cash register ID)
productId yes String ean:7332023036197 The ean or sku number of the voucher that is being reserved. Needs to be prefixed by “sku:” or “ean:”. List of available skus and eans can be obtained by getProductList call


reserveVoucher response
Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
ersReference String 2014071814275177901000128 Trackable number of the voucher in ERS system of the request. To be used with buyReservedVoucher and cancelVoucherReservation requests
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page



The second step in the two-phase commit procedure for buying a voucher. Can only be called after getting a successful response from a reserveVoucher call.


buyReservedVoucher request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless
ersReference yes String 2014071716555003001000100 ersReference of the reserved voucher returned by reserveVoucher response
receiptFormatId yes String TEXT Needs to be set to one of the following: VML, TEXT, HTML


buyReserverdVoucher response
Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
ersReference String 2014071814275177901000128 Trackable number of the voucher in ERS system of the request. To be used with buyReservedVoucher and cancelVoucherReservation requests
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page
productEAN String 7332023036197 EAN number of the product (voucher) that was bought
productName String Årskort 999KR Name of the product
productSKU String 19016 SKU number of the product
receipt String Sample receipt can be found here Content to be parsed on POS side, printed and provided to the customer
code String 380000080 Code of the generated voucher
expiryDate date 2014-01-01T00:00:00+01:00 Voucher’s date of expiration
serial String 380080 Serial number of the voucher
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:buyReservedVoucherResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
            <productName>Årskort 999KR</productName>
            <receipt> ........ </receipt>



Used to cancel a reservation of a voucher after a successful response from a reserveVoucher call and should be called if the purchase is to be aborted.


cancelVoucherReservation request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless
ersReference yes String 2014071716555003001000100 ersReference of the reserved voucher returned by reserveVoucher response
receiptFormatId yes String TEXT Needs to be set to one of the following: VML, TEXT, HTML


cancelVoucherReservation response
Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
ersReference String 2014071814275177901000128 Trackable number of cancelation in the ERS system
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page



Allows to cancel transaction that has been finished. Using ersReference from buyReservedVoucher response (not voucher).


cancelTransaction request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 100000 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend  use 100000 for online cancellation since it take little more time to get the response from Operators.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless
clientComment no String Some comment Can be used to add additional information from the client system
clientReference no String 823429834723948 Reference of the transaction in clients system
clientTag no String POS007 Tracking tag from the clients system (i.e: cash register ID)
ersReference yes String 2014110515155960201000883 ersReference from buyReservedVoucher response of voucher to be refunded
verificationCode no String 803987373939 The verification code for the cancellation, if required
reasonCode no decimal 03 The code categorizing the reason for the cancellation. 01 – Cashier mistake, 02 – Technical error, 03 – Customer mistake, 11 – Code unusable
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">


cancelTransaction response
Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
ersReference String 2014071814275177901000128 Trackable number of cancelation in the ERS system
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:cancelTransactionResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">


4. Optional Methods

These methods have to be implemented in order to pass our certification get production access.


Allows to generate reports.

executeReport request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless
clientComment no String Some comment Can be used to add additional information from the client system
clientReference no String 823429834723948 Reference of the transaction in clients system
reportId yes String repo:///terminal/ REP_TERM_CASHIER_SALES_PERIOD.xml Type of report that you’d like to get
language yes String en Language of report. Currently available are “en” for English and “sv” for Swedish
key yes Sring resellerId Name of the parameter. Different types of reports require diffrent parametrs. Check below example request to see differences
value yes String someresellerid Value of the parameter
executeReport response
Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page
content String Cgo8YnI+Cjxp… Contains report in base64 form
contentString String See examples below content of the report


executeReport CASHIER_SALES_PERIOD example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
                  <value>2014-01-01 00:00:00</value>
                  <value>2014-12-01 00:00:00</value>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:executeReportResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
                  <center><large>Cashier Sales Summary over period
                  <br><align=2><left>Reseller ID<right>DIST1
                  <br><align=2><left>Start<right>2014-01-01 00:00:00
                  <br><align=2><left>End<right>2014-12-01 00:00:00
                  <align=3><left>Total<center>0<right>0,00 SEK


executeReport RESELLER_INFO example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:executeReportResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
                  <center><large>Reseller Information
                  <br><align=2><left>Reseller ID<right>DIST1
                  <br><align=2><left>Terminal ID<right>?terminalId(terminalId)?
                  <br><align=2><left>A/C status<right>Active
                  <br><align=2><left>Balance<right>0,00 SEK


executeReport RESELLER_SALES_PERIOD example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
                  <value>2014-01-01 00:00:00</value>
                  <value>2014-12-01 00:00:00</value>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:executeReportResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
                  <center><large>Sales Summary over period
                  <br><align=2><left>Reseller ID<right>DIST1
                  <br><align=2><left>Start<right>2014-01-01 00:00:00
                  <br><align=2><left>End<right>2014-12-01 00:00:00
                  <align=3><left>Total<center>0<right>0,00 SEK




Returns number of active product available in EVD system.

getProductListCount request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
context/channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless

getProductListCount response

Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page
ersReference String 2016082314483437301000028 Trackable number for the request in EVD System
totalCount decimal 28 Number of total active products in EVD System


getProductListCount example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:getProductListCountResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">



Returns list of available product as per valid start sequence and end sequence.

getProductListBySequence request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
context/channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless
startSeq yes decimal 0 Zero or Valid positive number less than getProductListCount return value
endSeq yes decimal 10 Zero or Valid positive number less than getProductListCount return value
getProductListBySequence response
Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page
ersReference String 2016082314483437301000028 Trackable number for the request in EVD System
spliers/name String BITE Splier Name
products/customerPrice/currency String EUR Currency Code
products/customerPrice/value decimal 1.42 Product Price
products/ean String 4751022250015 Product EAN
products/name String Bites papildināšanas kods 1.42 EUR Product Name
products/sku String 450104 Product SKU


getProductListBySequence example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:getProductListBySequenceResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
                  <name>Bites papildināšanas kods 1.42 EUR</name>
                  <name>Bites papildināšanas kods 3 EUR</name>
                  <name>Bites papildināšanas kods 5 EUR</name>



Return a receipt for reseller or subscriber based on “receiptType” param.

getReceipt request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
context/channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String p@55w0Rd password provided by Seamless
ersReference yes String 2016082312381671501000013 Trackable number for the request in EVD System. This number actually is a transaction number, buyVoucher was called
receiptType yes String RESELLER The value of this should be ‘RESELLER’ or ‘SUBSCRIBER’. In case of other input no receipt will return
getReceipt response
Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page
ersReference String 2016082314483437301000028 Trackable number for the request in EVD System
receipt String BITE The actual receipt text for reseller or subscriber


getReceipt example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:getReceiptResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
				Bites papildināšanas kods 8 EUR
				2016/08/23 10:08:18

This API is used so that a Reseller can send a mail to SDD support mail box, as part of the ‘Contact Us’ feature. A successful request gives success response along with resultcode

sendEmail request


channel Yes String This is the channel through which client is performing the transaction.
clientId Yes String This is the unique id of the client that is performing the transaction.
clientRequestTimeout Yes integer Timeout requested from the client´s side. It should be 0 for an immediate response
senderEmail Yes String This is the Email Id of the sender.
senderPhoneNo Yes String This is the phone number of the sender.
mailSubject Yes String This is the mail subject.
mailBody Yes String This is the mail body. For multiline mail body add line break as \n for each new line.


sendEmail example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
         <mailSubject>Test Contact us</mailSubject>
         <mailBody>Test contact email body </mailBody>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:sendEmailResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">



This API returns the available reseller’s roles from SDD system.

getResellerRoles  request


Sample Value
channel Yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId Yes String dist1 Seamless will provide this ID
clientRequestTimeout Yes integer 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. It should be 0 for an immediate response
clientUserId Yes String 9900 Seamless will provide this userId
password Yes String
Seamless will provide this Password
getResellerRoles example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:getResellerRolesResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
               <name>Reseller admin</name>
               <name>Reseller web user</name>
               <name>POS user</name>
               <name>POS admin</name>
               <name>Cancellation blocked User</name>

This API returns whether a user is needed to change the password before doing any transaction or not. Based on this parameter client can redirect the user to the password change page if needed.

getClientStatus request


channel Yes String This is the channel through which client is performing the transaction.
clientId Yes String This is the unique id of the client that is performing the transaction.
clientRequestTimeout Yes Integer Timeout requested from the client´s side. It should be 0 for an immediate response
clientUserId Yes String This is a unique user id of the client that is performing the transaction.
 password Yes String The password associated with the userId field in the initiatorPrincipalId field.
receiptFormatId Optional String Format in which receipt will display.
getClientStatus example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:getClientStatusResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
            <receipt>Your current balance as of Jan 22, 2020 12:42:06 PM is -34.855,00 SEK</receipt>

This API is used to search a user data. Returns the SUCCESS message along with the user data of the Reseller. At present Reseller_admin can search a user under his reseller account.

searchAgentUsers request


Sample Value
Sample Value
channel Yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId Yes String dist1 Seamless will provide this ID
clientRequestTimeout Yes Integer 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. It should be 0 for an immediate response
clientUserId Yes String 9900 Seamless will provide this userId, this userid value depends on the permitted role specified in the configuration of extclientproxy in searchUserPermittedResellerRoles.
password Yes String
Seamless will provide this Password
No String Taylor
First Name of the user
lastName No String Swift Last Name of the user
userId No String webadmin8334 Unique in the system
yubiKey No String fdgsre31wauu String value of twelve characters
roleId No String Reseller_admin Defines the type of role of the user
searchAgentUsers example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:searchAgentUsersResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
               <role>Reseller admin</role>


This API is used to fetch an advertisement image. Based on the input parameters(category, channel and operatorId) it returns SUCCESS with image data in bytes.

Note: To integrate this API client should connect to http://localhost:8913/extclientproxy/service?wsdl.

fetchImageAd request


context channel No String Not required
clientComment No String Not required
clientId No String Not required
clientReference No String Not required
clientRequestTimeout Yes Integer Timeout requested from the client´s side. It should be 0 for an immediate response
id No String Not required
type No String Not required
 password No String  Not required
channel Yes String Possible values are: WEB, MOB
category Yes String Possible values are: LOGIN, INTERVALPOPUP, OPERATOR
operatorId Optional String Possible values (TELE2, TELENOR, etc) as per rule configured in AdServer
fetchImageAd example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://external.interfaces.ers.seamless.com/">   <soapenv:Header/>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">   <soap:Body>
      <ns2:fetchImageAdResponse xmlns:ns2="http://external.interfaces.ers.seamless.com/">
            <message>login ad message detail</message>

This API is used to add or update a user data based on input parameter isUpdate. When isUpdate=true then system will try to update an exiting user’s data and isUpdate=false system will try to create a new user. It returns SUCCESS after creation or updation of a user’s data.


1. While adding user we will keep isUpdate field false.

2. While updating user we will keep isUpdate field true and yubiKey field commented out or removed.

<!– <yubiKey></yubiKey>–>

addUpdateAgentUser request


Sample Value
Sample Value
channel Yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId Yes String dist1 Seamless will provide this ID
clientRequestTimeout Yes integer 0 Timeout requested from the client´s side. It should be 0 for an immediate response
clientUserId Yes String 9900 Seamless will provide this userId
password Yes String
Seamless will provide this Password
No String
Country of the user
No String taylor@gmail.com email Id of the user
No String Taylor
FirstName of the user
lastName No String Swift Lastname of the user
password Yes String 20092009 Password of the user
phoneNo No String 6673348376 Pnone number of the user
status No String Active Status of the user in system
userId Yes String webadmin8334 Unique in the system
yubiKey No String fdgsre31wauu String value of twelve characters
isUpdate Yes String true/false false value for adding user and true for updating the user.
roleId Yes String Reseller Defines the type of role of the user
addUpdateAgentUser example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns2:addUpdateAgentUserResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">

Used to change reseller’s password.


changeClientPassword request
Field Required Type Sample Value Description
channel yes String WS Needs to be set to WS
clientId yes String reseller123 clientId provided by Seamless
clientRequestTimeout yes decimal 50000 Timeout requested from the client´s side. We highly recommend to leave it to zero for an immediate response. Use different than 0 only if it´s a special situation.
clientUserId yes decimal 9900 Use 9900 unless provided with different clientUserId
password yes String seamless123 password provided by Seamless
newPassword yes String 112233 Choose any desired password.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ext="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">


changeClientPasswordResponse response
Field Type Sample value Description
errorDescription String SUCCESS Description of the status of the response
ersReference String 2014071814275177901000128 Trackable number of the voucher in ERS system of the request. To be used with buyReservedVoucher and cancelVoucherReservation requests
resultCode decimal 0 Response result code. See posible result codes at the bottom of this page
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <ns2:changeClientPasswordResponse xmlns:ns2="http://externalws.client.ers.seamless.com/">
        <errorDescription>Password changed successfully!</errorDescription>


5. Response Codes
Code Description Detailed description Can occur
78 The transaction has already been reversed. Transaction ID: 2015012716100420301000413 Voucher has been bought and refunded buyReservedVoucher
78 The specified transaction is in illegal state for this operation. Voucher already bought buyReservedVoucher, cancelVoucherReservation
79 You are not found in the system. Provided incorrect credentials (clientId or clientUserId) Any method
79 The given password is not correct Provided password is incorrect Any method
90 You provided an unknown product SKU/EAN. Please try again with an existing product SKU/EAN. reserveVoucher
90 SYSTEM_ERROR: Missing parameter resellerId ! reportId key/value is missing in executeReport request where it is required executeReport
90 SYSTEM_ERROR: Report not found! wrong reportId executeReport
90 SYSTEM_ERROR: Unable to find layout for language: wrong language value executeReport
91 The specified transaction could not be found. Wrong ersReference buyReservedVoucher, cancelVoucherReservation, cancelTransaction